Presentations in 2015
- Endo, K. and A. Kitoh, 2015.1.5: Thermodynamic and dynamic effects on regional monsoon rainfall changes in a warmer climate. 95th AMS Annual Meeting, 4-8 January 2015, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. [poster]
- Ose, T., R. Mizuta, H. Murakami, S. Kusunoki, A. Kitoh and I. Takayabu, 2015.1.15: High-resolution climate modeling and application for future projection. Tokyo Conference on International Study for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience, 14-16 January 2015, Tokyo, Japan. [poster]
- Kitoh, A., 2015.1.19: High-resolution modeling under the Program for Risk Information on Climate Change (SOUSEI Program). Workshop on High-Resolution Climate Simulation, Projection, and Application, 19-20 January 2015, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Chen, Cheng-Ta, T.-P. Tzeng, M. Wehner, and A. Kitoh, 2015.1.19: Tropical cyclones simulated by very-high resolution global climate modes. Workshop on High-Resolution Climate Simulation, Projection, and Application, 19-20 January 2015, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Cheng, Chao-Tzuen, Y.-Y. Lin, D.-R. Chen, C.-T. Chen, H.-H. Hsu, and A. Kitoh, 2015.1.20: Dynamical downscaling using high-resolution AGCM projection data over Taiwan area. Workshop on High-Resolution Climate Simulation, Projection, and Application, 19-20 January 2015, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2015.3.6: 気候変動と海:地球温暖化予測の最前線. 日本船主協会環境セミナー. 東京, 海運クラブ. [依頼講演]
- Endo, H., and A. Kitoh, 2015.3.27: Thermodynamic and dynamics effects on regional monsoon rainfall changes in a warmer climate. Third International Workshop on "Studies on Future Climate Projection of the Asian Region Utilizing the CMIP5 Multi-model Ensemble Data", 27 March 2015, Tokyo, Japan. [poster]
- Ogata, T. and A. Kitoh, 2015.4.13: Effect of high-resolution SST on 60km-AGCM simulated East Asian monsoon. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, 12-17 April 2015, Vienna, Austria. EGU2015-4334 [poster]
- 納多哲史・水田亮・出牛真・小寺邦彦・吉田康平・鬼頭昭雄・村上茂教・足立恭将・余田成男, 2015.5.24: 古気候復元における成層圏オゾンの影響: MRI-ESM による完新世中期実験. 日本地球惑星科学連合2015年大会, 24-28 May 2015,
- Kitoh, A., H. Endo, and T. Ogata, 2015.6.16: Effect of the representation of mountains on the Asian monsoon in a global warming world. AGU Chapman Conference: Evolution of the Asian monsoon and its impact on landscape, environment and society - Using the past as the key to the future, 14-18 June 2015, Hong Kong SAR, China.
- Noda, S., R. Mizuta, M. Deushi, K. Kodera, K. Yoshida, A. Kitoh, S. Murakami, Y. Adachi and S. Yoden, 2015.7.28: Impact of stratospheric ozone on surface climate in an earth system model: the Antarctic sea ice change in mid-Holocene. XIX INQUA 2015, 27 July-2 August 2015, Nagoya, Japan. [P02-10]
- Noda, S., R. Mizuta, M. Deushi, K. Kodera, K. Yoshida, A. Kitoh, S. Murakami, Y. Adachi and S. Yoden, 2015.8.2-7: Impact of stratospheric ozone variations on the paleoclimate reconstruction of mid-Holocene by using JMA-MRI Earth System Model. AOGS 12th Annual Meeting, 2-7 August 2015, Singapore.
- Seo, Y.-W., S.-S. Lee, J.-Y. Lee, K.-S. Yun, K.-J. Ha, and A. Kitoh, 2015.8.7: Role of the Tibetan plateau on storm-track activity and blocking frequency. AOGS 12th Annual Meeting, 2-7 August 2015, Singapore. [AS17-A029]
- Kitoh, A., 2015.9.16: Downscaling by a high-resolution atmospheric model. IPCC Workshop on Regional Climate Projections and their Use in Impacts and Risk Analysis Studies, 15-18 September 2015, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil. [poster]
- Kitoh, A., 2015.10.5: On the IPCC Workshop on Regional Climate Projections and their Use in Impacts and Risk Analysis Studies. International Workshop: Issues in Downscaling of Climate Change Projection, 5-7 October 2015, Tsukuba, Japan.
- Chen, C.-T., T.-P. Tseng, A. Kitoh, M. Wehner and C.-Y. Tu, 2015.10.5: Can high resolution climate models reproduce rainfall extremes associated with tropical cyclones? International Workshop: Issues in Downscaling of Climate Change Projection, 5-7 October 2015, Tsukuba, Japan.
- Hsu, H.-H., C.-Y. Tu, C.-T. Chen, C.-T. Cheng, A. Kitoh and S.-J. Lin, 2015.10.5: Projecting future change in TC activity and rainfalls in Tiwan using HiRAM/MRI AGCM and WRF. International Workshop: Issues in Downscaling of Climate Change Projection, 5-7 October 2015, Tsukuba, Japan.
- Endo, H., A. Kitoh, K. Yoshida, R. Mizuta and O. Arakawa, 2015.10.5: Future projection of monsoon precipitation by high-resolution MRI-AGCM ensemble simulations with multi-SSTs and multi-physics. International Workshop: Issues in Downscaling of Climate Change Projection, 5-7 October 2015, Tsukuba, Japan.
- Cheng C.-T., Y.-Y Lin, D.-R. Chen, C.-T. Chen and A. Kitoh, 2015.10.6: Bias-correction for dynamical downscaled typhoon rainfall over Taiwan area. International Workshop: Issues in Downscaling of Climate Change Projection, 5-7 October 2015, Tsukuba, Japan. [poster]
- Kitoh, A., 2014.10.20: IPCC WGI AR5 and Regional Climate Projections. Lecture given at 2015 Short-Term Training Program for Ulaanbaatar City Personnel, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan.
- Endo, H., A. Kitoh, K. Yoshida, R. Mizuta and O. Arakawa, 2015.10.26: Future changes in monsoon precipitation by high-resolution MRI-AGCM ensemble simulations with multi-SSTs and multi-physics. Asian Conference on Meteorology 2015 (ACM2015), 26-27 October 2015, Kyoto, Japan.
- Kitoh, A. and H. Endo, 2015.10.26: Future changes in rainfall extremes associated with El Nino projected by a global 20-km mesh atmospheric model. Asian Conference on Meteorology 2015 (ACM2015), 26-27 October 2015, Kyoto, Japan.
- Ueda, H., Y. Kamae, M. Hayasaki, A. Kitoh, S. Watanabe, Y. Miki and A. Kumai, 2015.10.26: Offset effects of continued Indian Ocean warming and recent Pacific cooling on the Asian monsoon. Asian Conference on Meteorology 2015 (ACM2015), 26-27 October 2015, Kyoto, Japan.
- 遠藤洋和・吉田康平・水田亮・鬼頭昭雄・荒川理, 2015.10.28: 高分解能AGCMによるマルチSST・積雲対流スキームアンサンブル温暖化予測実験:モンスーン降水の変化. 日本気象学会2015年度秋季大会B109. 京都, 京都テルサ.
- Kitoh, A., 2015.11.9: Effect of representation of mountains on the Asian monsoon in a global warming world. Seminar at Devecha Centre for Climate Change, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India.
- Kitoh, A., 2015.11.10: Future changes in monsoon precipitation by CMIP5 models and high-resolution MRI-AGCM ensemble simulations. Seminar at Devecha Centre for Climate Change, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India.
- Kitoh, A., 2015.11.12: High-resolution modeling under the Program for Risk Information on Climate Change (SOUSEI Program). Eighth Jeremy Grantham Lecture on Climate Change, Devecha Centre for Climate Change, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India. [Invited]
- Kitoh, A., 2015.11.13: IPCC WGI AR5 and regional climate projectoons. Seminar at Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi, India.
- 植田宏昭・井上知栄・釜江陽一・早崎将光・鬼頭昭雄, 2015.12.2: アジアモンスーン変動におけるインド洋と太平洋の増幅・相殺効果. 日本気象学会長期予報研究連絡会. 東京, 気象庁.
- Arakawa, O., A. Kitoh and T. Ogata, 2015.12.14: Impact of horizontal resolution of topography on Asian monsoon water cycle simuated by MRI 60-km-mesh global atmospheric model. 2015 AGU Fall Meeting, 14-18 December 2015, San Francisco, CA, USA. [A13A-0290] [poster]
- Kitoh, A. and H. Endo, 2015.12.18: Future changes in rainfall extremes associated with El Nino projected by a global 20-km mesh atmospheric model. 2015 AGU Fall Meeting, 14-18 December 2015, San Francisco, CA, USA. [GC43A-1161] [poster]
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2015.12.24: エルニーニョに伴う極端降水量の将来変化. 筑波大学生命環境科学研究科大気分野ゼミ. つくば, 筑波大学総合研究棟A110(公開講義室).