論文リスト 鬼頭昭雄
- 2022年3月29日現在 -
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2022: 気候変動の現状と将来 ~地球温暖化による水循環の変化~. 沙漠研究, 31(4).
- 鬼頭昭雄: 完新世気候最温暖期の気候. 『世界気候の事典』、朝倉書店.
- 鬼頭昭雄: IPCC 概要. 水文・水資源ハンドブック第2版, 朝倉書店.
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2022: 図解 地球温暖化の科学. 宝島社, 128 pp.
- Endo, H., A. Kitoh and R. Mizuta, 2022: Future changes in extreme precipitation and their association with tropical cyclone activity over the western North Pacific and East Asia in 20-km AGCM simulations. SOLA, 18, 58-64, doi:10.2151/sola.2022-010.
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2022: 数値モデルを用いた気候変動研究 ?2021年度藤原賞受賞記念講演?. 天気, 69, 5-16.
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2022: 温暖化と異常気象.『自然災害科学・防災の百科事典』、丸善, pp.310-311.
- Endo, H., A. Kitoh, R. Mizuta, and T. Ose, 2021: Different future changes between early and late summer monsoon precipitation in East Asia. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 99, 1501-1524, doi:10.2151/jmsj.2021-073.
- Hsu, P.-C., K.-C. Chen, C.-H. Tsou, H.-H. Hsu, C.-H. Hong, H.-C. Liang, C.-Y. Tu, and A. Kitoh, 2021: Future changes in the frequency and destructiveness of landfalling tropical cyclones over East Asia projected by high-resolution AGCMs. Earth’s Future, 9, e2020EF001888, doi:10.1029/2020EF001888.
- Hong, C.-C., C.-H. Tsou, P.-C. Hsu, K.-C. Chen, H.-C. Liang, H.-H. Hsu, C.-Y. Tu, and A. Kitoh, 2021: Future changes in the tropical cyclone intensity and frequency over the western North Pacific based on 20-km HiRAM and MRI models. J. Climate, 34, 2235-2251, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-20-0417.1.
- Kitoh, A., E. Mohino, Y. Ding, K. Rajendran, T. Ambrizzi, J. Marengo, and V. Magana, 2021: Combined Oceanic Influences on Continental Climates. In: C. R. Mechoso (ed.), Interacting Climates of Ocean Basins: Observations, Mechanisms, Predictability, and Impacts. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1-108-49270-6, doi:10.1017/9781108610995, pp.216-257.
- Wang, B., M. Biasutti, M. P. Byrne, C. Castro, C.-P. Chang, K. Cook, R. Fu, A. M. Grimm, K.-J. Ha, H. Hendon, A. Kitoh, R. Krishnan, J.-Y. Lee, J. Li, J. Liu, A. Moise, S. Pascale, M. K. Roxy, A. Seth, C.-H. Sui, A. Turner, S. Yang, K.-S. Yun, L. Zhang, T. Zhou, 2021: Monsoons climate change assessment. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 102(1), E1-E19, doi:
- Kitoh, A. and H. Endo: Future changes in global monsoon precipitation and their uncertainty: Results from 20-km and 60-km MRI-AGCM ensemble simulations. In: The Multiscale Global Monsoon System. World Scientific Publishing, ISBN 978-981-121-659-6, doi:10.1142/11723, pp.343-353.
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2020: 地球温暖化を防止し、気候変動を緩和するために. いのちの環、2020年12月号, 14-25.
- Ito, R., T. Ose, H. Endo, R. Mizuta, K. Yoshida, A. Kitoh, and T. Nakaegawa: Seasonal characteristics of future climate change over Japan and the associated atmospheric circulation anomalies in global model experiments. Hydrol. Res. Lett., 14, 130-135.
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2020: 今年も40度超え…日本列島を襲った「異常高温」、その現象を解説する. 現代ビジネス、2020年9月27日.
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2020: 地球温暖化と豪雨. 新婦人しんぶん、2020年9月17日号, page 2.
- Varghese, S. J., S. Surendran, B. Ajithkumar, K. Rajendran, and A. Kitoh: Future changes in rice yield over Kerala using climate change scenario from high resolution global model Projection. Journal of Earth System Science, 129, 192, doi:10.1007/s12040-020-01459-0.
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2020: 地球の気候変動、何がどうしてそうなるの? 社会運動、2020年7月号.
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2020: 待ったなしの気候変動. 月刊保団連, 2020年5月号, 24-29.
- Sun, N., T. Zhou, X. Chen, H. Endo, A. Kitoh, and B. Wu, 2020: Amplified tropical Pacific rainfall variability related to background SST warming. Clim. Dyn., 54, 2387-2402, doi:10.1007/s00382-020-05119-3.
- Varghese, S. J., S. Surendran, K. Rajendran, and A. Kitoh, 2020: Future projections of Indian summer monsoon under multiple RCPs using a high resolution global climate model multiforcing ensemble simulations. Clim. Dyn., 54, 1315-1328, doi:10.1007/s00382-019-05059-7.
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2019: 激発する極端気象. 世界, 2019年12月号, no.927, 91-100.
- Kitoh, A.: Climate Change We Human Are Responsible for. In: Himiyama, Y., Satake, K., Oki,T. (eds), Human Geoscience. Advances in Geological Science. Springer, Singapore. ISBN 978-981-32-9223-9, doi:10.1007/978-981-32-9224-6_20, pp.283-293.
- Kitoh, A.: Atmosphere - The Gaseous Realm Which Supports Human Life. In: Himiyama, Y., Satake, K., Oki,T. (eds), Human Geoscience. Advances in Geological Science. Springer, Singapore. ISBN 978-981-32-9223-9, doi:10.1007/978-981-32-9224-6_2, pp.21-26.
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2019: 地球温暖化で台風はどうなる. グローバルネット, 345 (August 2019), 2-3.
- Chen, C.-A., H.-H. Hsu, C.-C. Hong, P.-G. Chiu, C.-Y. Tu, S.-J. Lin, and A. Kitoh, 2019: Seasonal precipitation change in the Western North Pacific and East Asia under global warming in two high-resolution AGCMs. Clim. Dyn., doi:10.1007/s00382-019-04883-1.
- Huang, W.-R., P.-H. Huang, Y.-H. Chang, C.-T. Cheng, H.-H. Hsu, C.-Y. Tu, and A. Kitoh, 2019: Dynamical downscaling simulation and future projection of extreme precipitation activities in Taiwan during the Mei-Yu season. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 97, 481-499, doi:10.2151/jmsj.2019-028.
- Kitoh, A., 2019: Climate Change Projection over Turkey with a High-Resolution Atmospheric General Circulation Model. In: T. Watanabe, S. Kapur, M. Aydin, R. Kanber and E. Akca (eds.), Climate Change Impacts on Basin Agro-ecosystems, Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-01036-2, pp.19-32.
- Kitoh, A. and H. Endo, 2019: Precipitation extremes associated with tropical cyclones and their future changes projected by large-ensemble simulations. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 97, 141-152, doi:10.2151/jmsj.2019-007.
- Widlansky, M. J., H. Annamalai, S. B. Gingerich, C. D. Storlazzi, J. J. Marra, K. I. Hodges, B. Choy and A. Kitoh, 2019: Tropical cyclone projections: Changing climate threats for Pacific Island defense installations. Weather, Climate and Society, 11, 3-15, doi:10.1175/WCAS-D-17-0112.1
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2018: 「酷暑」「豪雨」「猛烈台風」 異常気象は今後も続くのか. 『文藝春秋オピニオン 2019年の論点100』, 文藝春秋, 88-89.
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2018: 高原の移動で変わる気候. (Berkowitz “Move a plateau, change a climate”の翻訳) パリティ, 33, No.10, 55-58.
- Noda, S., K. Kodera, Y. Adachi, M. Deushi, A. Kitoh, R. Mizuta, S. Murakami, K. Yoshida, and S. Yoden, 2018: Mitigation of global cooling by stratospheric chemistry feedbacks in a simulation of the Last Glacial Maximum. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 123, doi:10.1029/2017JD028017.
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2018: 来年以降も猛暑は続くのか?. 文藝春秋, 96 (10), 82-84. (2018年10月号巻頭随筆).
- 鬼頭昭雄: 地球温暖化予測技術の現状と将来. 2018年版 気象年鑑, (一財)気象業務支援センター, 1-14.
- 鬼頭昭雄: 地球温暖化はどこまで予測できるか? 鈴木康弘・山岡耕春・寳馨編『おだやかで恵み豊かな地球のために ?地球人間圏科学入門』, 古今書院, 270 pp.
- 梶川義幸・藤波初木・神澤望・高谷祐平・楠昌司・米山邦夫・鬼頭昭雄・尾瀬智昭, 2018
第6回WMOモンスーン国際ワークショップ参加報告. 天気, 65, 321-329.
- Endo, H., A. Kitoh and H. Ueda: A unique feature of the Asian summer monsoon response to global warming: the role of different land-sea thermal contrast change between the lower and upper troposphere. SOLA, 14, 57-63, doi:10.2151/sola.2018-010.
- 鬼頭昭雄: インタビュー 扉を開く「異常気象と地球温暖化の解明に挑む」. にちぎん, No.53, 2018年春号, 4-9.
- 鬼頭昭雄: 気象・気候災害 -地球温暖化のもとでの災害リスク. 特集2「災害軽減と持続的社会の形成に向けた科学と社会の協働・協創」. 学術の動向, 23(3), 78-80.
- Surendran, S., S. Gadgil, K. Rajendran, S. J. Varghese and A. Kitoh, 2018: Monsoon rainfall over India in June and link with Northwest tropical Pacific. Theor. Appl. Climatol., https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-018-2440-6.
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2017: ヒプシサーマルと近年温暖期の気候要因比較. 「気候変動の事典」、朝倉書店, 338-341.
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2017: GCM中の南極の雪と氷床. 気象研究ノート第233号「南極氷床と大気物質循環・気候」, 日本気象学会, 411-423.
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2017: 温暖化気候下における熱中症. 給排水設備研究, 34, 8-11.
- Mizuta, R., A. Murata, M. Ishii, H. Shiogama, K. Hibino, N. Mori, O. Arakawa, Y. Imada, K. Yoshida, T. Aoyagi, H. Kawase, M. Mori, Y. Okada, T. Shimura, T. Nagatomo, M. Ikeda, H. Endo, M. Nosaka, M. Arai, C. Takahashi, K. Tanaka, T. Takemi, Y. Tachikawa, K. Temur, Y. Kamae, M. Watanabe, H. Sasaki, A. Kitoh, I. Takayabu, E. Nakakita and M. Kimoto, 2017: Over 5,000 years of ensemble future climate simulations by 60-km global and 20-km regional atmospheric models. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 98, 1383-1398, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0099.1.
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2017: 変わりゆく気候 気象のしくみと温暖化. NHKカルチャーラジオ 科学と人間, NHK出版, 160 pp.
- Ha, K.-J., J.-Y. Lee, B. Wang, S.-P. Xie and A. Kitoh, 2017: Asian monsoon climate change ? understanding and prediction. Asia-Pac. J. Atmos. Sci., 53(2), 179-180.
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2017: IPCC第6次評価報告書に向けての課題. 環境と文明, 25(3), 7-8.
- Sperber, K.R., E. Cusiner, A. Kitoh, C.R. Mechoso, A.F. Moise, W. Moufouma-Okia, K. Schiro and A.G. Turner, 2017: Modelling Monsoons. In: C.-P. Chang, H.-C. Kuo, N.-C. Lau, R. H. Johnson, B. Wang and M. C. Wheeler (eds.), The Global Monsoon System, Research and Forecast 3rd Edition. World Scientific Series on Asia-Pacific Weather and Climate, Volume 9, ISBN: 978-981-3200-90-6, 79-101, doi:10.1142/9789813200913_0007.
- Kitoh, A. and H. Endo, 2017: Monsoon Precipitation in a Future Warmer World. In: C.-P. Chang, H.-C. Kuo, N.-C. Lau, R. H. Johnson, B. Wang and M. C. Wheeler (eds.), The Global Monsoon System, Research and Forecast 3rd Edition. World Scientific Series on Asia-Pacific Weather and Climate, Volume 9, ISBN: 978-981-3200-90-6, 303-313, doi:10.1142/9789813200913_0024.
- Noda, S., K. Kodera, Y. Adachi, M. Deushi, A. Kitoh, R. Mizuta, S. Murakami, K. Yoshida and S. Yoden, 2017: Impact of interactive chemistry of stratospheric ozone on Southern Hemisphere paleoclimate simulation. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 122, 878-895, doi:10.1002/2016JD025508.
- Kitoh, A., 2017: The Asian monsoon and its future change in climate models: A review. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 95, 7-33, doi:10.2151/jmsj.2017-002.
- Endo, H., A. Kitoh, R. Mizuta and M. Ishii, 2017: Future changes in precipitation extremes in East Asia and their uncertainty based on large ensemble simulations with a high-resolution AGCM. SOLA, 13, 7-12, doi:10.2151/sola.2017-002.
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2016: 地球温暖化による災害外力の増大. 「気候変動下の水・土砂災害適応策-社会実装に向けて-」. 国土文化研究所監修. 近代科学社.
- Kitoh, A. and O. Arakawa, 2016: Reduction in the east-west contrast in water budget over the Tibetan Plateau under a future climate. Hydrol. Res. Lett., 10(4), 113-118, doi:10.3178/hrl.10.113.
- Xue, Y., F. De Sales, W.K.-M. Lau, A. Boone, K.-M. Kim, C.R. Mechoso, G. Wang, F. Kucharski, K. Schiro, M. Hosaka, S. Li, L.M. Druyan, I. Seidou Sanda, W. Thiaw, N. Zeng, R.E. Comer, Y.-K. Lim, S. Mahanama, G. Song, Y. Gu, S.M. Hagos, M. Chin, P. Dirmeyer, L.R. Leung, E. Kalnay, A. Kitoh, C.-H. Lu, N.M. Mahowald and Z. Zhang, 2016: West African monsoon decadal variability and drought and surface-related forcings: Second West African Monsoon Modeling and Evaluation Project Experiment (WAMME II). Clim. Dyn., 47, 3517-3545, doi:10.1007/s00382-016-3224-2.
- Huang, W.-R., Y.-H. Chang, C.-T. Cheng, H.-H. Sui, C.-Y. Tu and A. Kitoh, 2016: Summer convective afternoon rainfall simulation and projection using WRF driven by global climate model. Part I: Over Taiwan. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 27, 659-671, doi:10.3319/TAO.2016.05.02.01
- Su, Y.-F., C.-T. Cheng, J.-J. Liou, Y.-M. Chen and A. Kitoh, 2016: Bias correction of MRI-WRF dynamic downscaling datasets. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 27, 649-657, doi:10.3319/TAO.2016.07.14.1.
- Kitoh, A. and H. Endo, 2016: Future changes in rainfall extremes associated with El Nino projected by a global 20-km mesh atmospheric model. SOLA, 12A, 1-6, doi:10.2151/sola.12A-001.
- Rajendran, K., S. Surendran, A. Kitoh and S. J. Varghese, 2016: Reduction of uncertainty associated with future changes in Indian summer monsoon projected by climate models and assessment of monsoon teleconnections. Proc. SPIE 9882, Remote Sensing and Modeling of the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Interactions VI, 98820D (May 3, 2016), doi:10.1117/12.2229392.
- Hay, J.E., D. Easterling, K.L. Ebi, A. Kitoh and M. Parry, 2016: Conclusion to the special issue: Observed and projected changes in weather and climate extremes. Weather and Climate Extremes, 11, 103-105, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2015.11.002.
- Kitoh, A. and H. Endo, 2016: Changes in precipitation extremes projected by a 20-km mesh global atmospheric model. Weather and Climate Extremes, 11, 41-52, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2015.09.001.
- Hay, J.E., D. Easterling, K.L. Ebi, A. Kitoh and M. Parry, 2016: Introduction to the special issue: Observed and projected changes in weather and climate extremes. Weather and Climate Extremes, 11, 1-3, doi:10.1016/j.wace.2015.08.006.
- Kieu, X., H. Vu, T. Nguyen, D. Le, L. Nguyen, I. Takayabu, H. Sasaki and A. Kitoh, 2016: Rainfall and tropical cyclone activity over Vietnam simulated and projected by the Non-hydrostatic Regional Climate Model - NHRCM. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan,94A, 135-150, doi:10.2151/jmsj.2015-057.
- Muramatsu, T., T. Kato, M. Nakazato, H. Endo and A. Kitoh, 2016: Future change of tornadogenesis-favorable environmental conditions in Japan estimated by a 20-km-mesh atmospheric general circulation model. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 94A, 105-120.
- Kitoh, A., T. Ose and I. Takayabu, 2016: Dynamical downscaling for climate projection with high-resolution MRI AGCM-RCM. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 94A, 1-16, doi:10.2151/jmsj.2015-022.
- 渡部哲史・高橋潔・肱岡靖明・河宮未知生・沖大幹・鬼頭昭雄, 2016: IPCC地域気候予測とその影響評価・リスク解析への利用に関するワークショップ参加報告. 水文・水資源学会誌, 29(1), 79-84.
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2016: 世界の環境湿度変化 -温暖化と関係しているのか. 『ドライシンドロームの基礎と臨床』、メディカルレビュー社, 86-92.
- Yun, K.-S., Y.-W. Seo, K.-J. Ha, J.-Y. Lee and A. Kitoh, 2016: The seasonally varying effect of the Tibetan Plateau on Northern Hemispheric blocking frequency and amplitude. Clim. Dyn., 47, 2527-2541, doi:10.1007/s00382-016-2981-2.
- Endo, H. and A. Kitoh, 2016: Projecting Changes of the Asian Summer Monsoon through the 21st Century. In: L.M.V. Carvalho and C. Jones (eds.), The Monsoons and Climate Change: Observations and Modeling, Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-21649-2, 47-66.
- Surendran, S., K. Rajendran, A. Kitoh and R.S. Nanjundiah: Assessment of Climate Change Projection for the State of Kerala. In: P. Rajasekharan and C. K. Peethambaran (eds.), Weather and Plant Health Management in Kerala. Kerala State Planning Board, 64-92.
- Ueda, H., Y. Kamae, M. Hayasaki, A. Kitoh, S. Watanabe, Y. Miki and A. Kumai, 2015: Combined effects of recent Pacific cooling and Indian Ocean warming on the Asian monsoon. Nature Commun., 6, 8854, doi:10.1038/ncomms9854.
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2015: 気候変動と大雨. 日本の科学者, 51(10), 6-11.
- Lee, J.-Y., B. Wang, K.-H. Seo, K.-J. Ha, A. Kitoh and J. Liu, 2015: Effects of mountain uplift on global monsoon precipitation. Asia-Pacific J. Atmos. Sci., 51, 275-290, doi:10.1007/s13143-015-0077-2.
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2015: 異常気象と地球温暖化 -未来に何が待っているか. 岩波新書 新赤版1538. 岩波書店.
- Kitoh, A. and T. Zhou, 2015: Long-term anthropogenic drivers of monsoon. CLIVAR Exchanges, 66, 35-37.
- Tsuboki, K., M. Yoshioka, T. Shinoda, M. Kato, S. Kanada and A. Kitoh, 2015: Future increase of super-typhoon intensity associated with climate change. Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, doi:10.1002/2014GL061793.
- 日本気象学会地球環境問題委員会編, 2014: 地球温暖化 -そのメカニズムと不確実性. 朝倉書店.
- Mizuta R., O. Arakawa, T. Ose, S. Kusunoki, H. Endo and A. Kitoh, 2014: Classification of CMIP5 future climate responses by the tropical sea surface temperature changes. SOLA, 10, 167-171, doi:10.2141/sola.2014-035.
- Ogata, T. and A. Kitoh, 2014: Effect of high-resolution SST on 60km-AGCM simulated snowfall in Japan. SOLA, 10, 131-135, doi:10.2141/sola.2014-027.
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2014: 気候変動の自然科学的根拠 -IPCC第1作業部会第5次評価報告書-. 環境と公害, 44-1, 56-60.
- Rajendran, K., A Kitoh and S. Sajani, 2014: Ultra-high Resolution Global Model Climate Change Projection for India: A Data Intensive Paradigm. In: Geospatial Technologies and Climate Change [Sundaresan, J., K.M. Santosh, A. Deri, R. Roggema and R. Singh (eds.)], Springer, pp. 217-236, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-01689-4.
- Kitoh, A.: Global climate model and projected hydro-meteorological extremes in the future. In: Extreme Natural Hazards, Disaster Risks and Societal Implications. Edited by A. Ismail-Zadeh, J. Urrutia-Fucugaughi, A. Kijko, K. Takeuchi and I. Zaliapin. Cambridge University Press, pp. 77-87, ISBN 978-1-107-03386-3.
- Nakaegawa, T., A. Kitoh, H. Murakami and S. Kusunoki, 2014: Annual maximum 5-day rainfall total and maximum number of consecutive dry days over Central America and the Caribbean in the late twenty-first century projected by an atmospheric general circulation model with three different horizontal resolutions. Theor. Appl. Climatol., 116, 155-168, doi:10.1007/s00704-013-0934-9.
- 日本気象学会36-37期学術委員会および同委員会が依頼した執筆者グループ, 2014: 日本の気象学の現状と展望. 天気, 61, 159-195.
- Nakaegawa, T., A. Kitoh, Y. Ishizaki, S. Kusunoki and H. Murakami, 2014: Caribbean low-level jets and accompanying moisture fluxes in a global warming climate projected with CMIP3 multi-model ensemble and fine-mesh atmospheric general circulation models. Int. J. Climatol., 34, 964-977, doi:10.1002/joc3733.
- Endo, H. and A. Kitoh, 2014: Thermodynamic and dynamic effects on regional monsoon rainfall changes in a warmer climate. Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 1704-1710, doi:10.1002/2013GL059158.
- Nakaegawa, T., A. Kitoh, S. Kusunoki, H. Murakami and O. Arakawa, 2014: Hydroclimate change over Central America and the Caribbean in a global warming climate projected with 20-km and 60-km mesh MRI atmospheric general circulation models. Pap. Meteorol. Geophys., 65, 15-33, doi:10.2467/mripapers.65.15.
- Kimura, N., A. Tai, S. Chiang, H.-P. Wei, Y.-F. Su, C.-T. Cheng and A. Kitoh, 2014: Hydrological flood simulation using a design hyetograph created from extreme weather data of a high-resolution atmospheric general circulation model. Water, 6, 345-366, doi:10.3390/w6020345.
- Alpert, P., F. Jin and A. Kitoh, 2014: The Projected Death of the Fertile Crescent. In: J. Norwine (ed.), A World After Climate Change and Culture-Shift. Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht, 193-203, doi:10.1007/978-94-007-7353-0.
- Alpert, P., D. Hemmings, F. Jin, G. Kay, A. Kitoh and A. Mariotti, 2013: The Hydrological Cycle of the Mediterranean. In: A. Navarra and L. Tubiana (eds.) Regional Assessment of Climate Change in the Mediterranean. Advances in Global Change Research 50, pp. 201-240. doi 10.1007/978-94-007-5781-3_8, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
- Christensen, J. H., K. Krishna Kumar, E. Aldrian, S.-I. An, I. F. A. Cavalcanti, M. de Castro, W. Dong, P. Goswami, A. Hall, J. K. Kanyanga, A. Kitoh, J. Kossin, N.-C. Lau, J. Renwick, D. Stephenson, S.-P. Xie and T. Zhou, 2013: Climate Phenomena and their Relevance for Future Regional Climate Change. In: Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Stocker, T. F., D. Qin, G.-K. Plattner, M. Tignor, S. K. Allen, J. Boschung, A. Nauels, Y. Xia, V. Bex and P. M. Midgley (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA.
- Adachi, Y., S. Yukimoto, M. Deushi, A. Obata, H. Nakano, T.Y. Tanaka, M. Hosaka, T. Sakami, H. Yoshimura, M. Hirabara, E. Shindo, H. Tsujino, R. Mizuta, S. Yabu, T. Koshiro, T. Ose and A. Kitoh, 2013: Basic performance of a new earth system model of the Meteorological Research Institute (MRI-ESM1). Pap. Meteorol. Geophys., 64, 1-19.
- Nakaegawa, T., A. Kitoh and M. Hosaka, 2013: Discharge of major global rivers in the 21st century climate projected with the high horizontal resolution MRI-AGCMs. Hydrological Processes, 27, 3301-3318.
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2013: 気候は変えられるか?, ウェッジ選書49, 240 pp.
- Sperber, K.R., H. Annamalai, I.-S. Kang, A. Kitoh, A. Moise, A.G. Turner, B. Wang and T. Zhou, 2013: The Asian summer monsoon: An intercomparison of CMIP5 vs. CMIP3 simulations of the late 20th century. Clim. Dyn., 41, 2711-2744, doi:10.1007/s00382-012-1607-6.
- Rahman, Md. M., M. Rafiuddin, Md. M. Alam, S. Kusunoki, A. Kitoh and F. Giorgi, 2013: Summer monsoon rainfall scenario over Bangladesh using a high-resolution AGCM. Natural Hazards, 69, 793-807, doi:10.1007/s11069-013-0734-7.
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2013: 近年の気候変動と将来の気候変化について. 河川文化 河川文化を語る会講演集(その三十九), 日本河川協会, 289-358.
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2013: 予測される気候変化(2)水循環. 「図説 地球環境の事典」. 朝倉書店, 272-273.
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2013: モンスーン、熱帯の古環境モデリング. 「図説 地球環境の事典」. 朝倉書店, 26-27.
- Rajendran, K., A. Kitoh and J. Srinivasan, 2013: Effect of SST variation on ITCZ in APE simulations. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 91A, 195-215, doi:10.2151/jmsj.2013-A06.
- Williamson, D. L., M. Blackburn, K. Nakajima, W. Ohfuchi, Y. O. Takahashi, Y.-Y. Hayashi, H. Nakamura, M. Ishiwatari, J. McGregor, H. Borth, V. Wirth, H. Frank, P. Bechtold, N. P. Wedi, H. Tomita, M. Satoh, M. Zhao, I. M. Held, M. J. Suarez, M.-I. Lee, M. Watanabe, M. Kimoto, Y. Liu, Z. Wang, A. Molod, K. Rajendran, A. Kitoh and R. Stratton, 2013: The Aqua-Planet Experiment (APE): Response to changed meridional SST profile. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 91A, 57-89, doi:10.2151/jmsj.2013-A03.
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- Murakami, H., B. Wang, T. Li and A. Kitoh, 2013: Projected increase in tropical cyclones near Hawaii. Nature Climate Change, 3, 749-754, doi:10.1038/nclimate1890.
- Lee, S.-S., J.-Y. Lee, K.-J. Ha, B. Wang, A. Kitoh, Y. Kajikawa and M. Abe, 2013: Role of the Tibetan Plateau on climatological annual variation of mean atmospheric circulation and storm-track activity. J. Climate, 26, 5270-5286.
- Hall, T.C., A.M. Seally, T.S. Stephenson, S. Kusunoki, M.A. Taylor, A.A. Chen and A. Kitoh, 2013: Future climate of the Caribbean from a super-high resolution atmospheric general circulation model. Theor. Appl. Climatol., 113, 271-287, doi:10.1007/s00704-012-0779-7.
- Rajendran, K., S. Sajani, C.B. Jayasankar and A. Kitoh, 2013: How dependent is climate change projection of Indian summer monsoon rainfall and extreme events on model resolution? Current Science, 104, 1409-1418.
- Kitoh, A., H. Endo, K. Krishna Kumar, I.F.A. Cavalcanti, P. Goswami, T. Zhou, 2013: Monsoons in a changing world: a regional perspective in a global context. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 118, 3053-3065, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50258.
- 河宮未知生・石井正好・鬼頭昭雄・木本昌秀, 2013: 「21世紀気候変動予測革新プログラム」における、CMIP5実験仕様に基づいた温暖化予測実験. 天気, 60, 223-246.
- Murakami, H., M. Sugi and A. Kitoh, 2013: Future changes in tropical cyclone activity in the North Indian Ocean projected by high-resolution MRI-AGCMs. Clim. Dyn., 40, 1949-1968, doi:10.1007/s00382-012-1407-z.
- 鬼頭昭雄: Model Intercomparison Projects. 天気, 60, 197-198.
- Abe, M., M.E. Hori, T. Yasunari and A. Kitoh, 2013: Effects of the Tibetan Plateau on the onset of the summer monsoon in South Asia: The role of the air-sea interaction. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 118, 1760-1776, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50210.
- Hsu, P., T. Li, H. Murakami and A. Kitoh, 2013: Future change of the global monsoon revealed from 19 CMIP5 models. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 118, 1247-1260, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50145.
- Rajendran, K., A. Kitoh, J. Srinivasan, R. Mizuta and R. Krishnan, 2012: Monsoon circulation interaction with Western Ghats orography under changing climate: Projection by an ultra-high resolution global model. Theor. Appl. Climatol., 110, 555-571.
- Krishnan, R., T.P. Sabin, D.C. Ayantika, A. Kitoh, M. Sugi, H. Murakami, A.G. Turner, J.M. Slingo and K. Rajendran, 2012: Will the South Asian monsoon overturning circulation stabilize any further? Clim. Dyn., 40, 187-211.
- Yatagai, A., K. Kamiguchi, O. Arakawa, A. Hamada, N. Yasutomi and A. Kitoh, 2012: APHRODITE: Constructing a long-term daily gridded precipitation dataset for Asia based on a dense network of rain gauges. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 93, 1401-1415.
- Yun, K.-S., K.-Y. Heo, J.-E. Chu, K.-J. Ha, E.-J. Lee, Y. Choi and A. Kitoh, 2012: Changes in climate classification and extreme climate indices from a high-resolution future projection in Korea. Asia-Pacific J. Atmos. Sci., 48, 213-226.
- Endo, H., A. Kitoh, T. Ose, R. Mizuta and S. Kusunoki, 2012: Future changes and uncertainties in Asian precipitation simulated by multiphysics and multi-sea surface temperature ensemble experiments with high-resolution Meteorological Research Institute atmospheric general circulation models (MRI-AGCMs). J. Geophys. Res., 117, D16118, doi:10.1029/2012JD017874.
- Murakami, H., Y. Wang, M. Sugi, H. Yoshimura, R. Mizuta, E. Shindo, Y. Adachi, S. Yukimoto, M. Hosaka, A. Kitoh, T. Ose and S. Kusunoki, 2012: Future changes in tropical cyclone activity projected by the new high-resolution MRI-AGCM. J. Climate, 25, 3237-3260.
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2012: 日本を取り巻く気候変動に伴う気象条件の変化. 土木学会誌, Vol.97, No.4, 59-61.
- Mizuta, R., H. Yoshimura, H. Murakami, M. Matsueda, H. Endo, T. Ose, K. Kamiguchi, M. Hosaka, M. Sugi, S. Yukimoto, S. Kusunoki and A. Kitoh, 2012: Climate simulations using MRI-AGCM3.2 with 20-km grid. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 90A, 233-258.
- Arakawa, O. and A. Kitoh, 2012: Elevation dependency of summertime precipitation and its change by global warming over the Tibetan Plateau and the surroundings simulated by a 60-km-mesh atmospheric general circulation model. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 90A, 151-165.
- Yukimoto, S., Y. Adachi, M. Hosaka, T. Sakami, H. Yoshimura, M. Hirabara, T.Y. Tanaka, E. Shindo, H. Tsujino, M. Deushi, R. Mizuta, S. Yabu, A. Obata, H. Nakano, T. Koshiro, T. Ose and A. Kitoh, 2012: A new global climate model of the Meteorological Research Institute: MRI-CGCM3 - Model description and basic performance -. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 90A, 23-64.
- Hsu, P.-C., T. Li, J.-J. Luo, H. Murakami, A. Kitoh and M. Zhao, 2012: Increase of global monsoon area and precipitation under global warming: A robust signal? Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L06701, doi:10.1029/2012GL051037.
- Rahman, Md.M., N. Ferdousi, Y. Sato, S. Kusunoki and A. Kitoh: Rainfall and temperature scenario for Bangladesh using 20km mesh AGCM. Int. J. Climate Change Strategies and Management (IJCCSM), 4, 66-80.
- Raible, C.C., S. Kleppek, M. Wuest, D.N. Bresch, A. Kitoh, H. Murakami and T.F. Stocker, 2012: Atlantic hurricanes and associated insurance loss potentials in future climate scenarios: limitations of high-resolved AGCM simulations. Tellus A, 64, 15672, doi: 10.3402/tellusa.v64i0.15672.
- Kitoh, A. and O. Arakawa, 2011: Precipitation climatology over the Middle East simulated by the high-resolution MRI-AGCM3. Global Environmental Research, Vol.15, No.2, 139-146.
- Arakawa, O. and A. Kitoh, 2011: Intercomparison of the relationship between precipitation and elevation among gridded precipitation datastes over the Asian summer monsoon region. Global Environmental Research, Vol.15, No.2, 109-118.
- Kamiguchi, K., O. Arakawa and A. Kitoh, 2011: Long-term changes in Japanese extreme precipitation analyzed with APHRO_JP_EX. Global Environmental Research, Vol.15, No.2, 91-99.
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2011: 近年の集中豪雨について. ARDEC, 45, 34-38.
- Kamae, Y., H. Ueda and A. Kitoh, 2011: Hadley and Walker circulations in Mid-Pliocene warm period simulated by an atmospheric general circulation model. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 89, 475-493.
- Wang, B., H.-J. Kim, K. Kikuchi and A. Kitoh, 2011: Diagnostic metrics for simulation of annual and diurnal cycles and evaluation of the 20-km MRI/JMA AGCM and AMIPII models. Clim. Dyn., 37, 941-955.
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2011: 超高解像度大気モデルによる将来の極端現象の変化予測. 検査技術, 16(7), 30-35.
- Jin, F., A. Kitoh and P. Alpert, 2011: Climatological relationships among the moisture budget components and rainfall amounts over the Mediterranean based on a super-high resolution climate model. J. Geophys. Res., 116, D09102, doi:10.1029/2010JD014021.
- Kitoh. A, 2011: Impact of Climate Change on Asian Monsoon Characteristics. In: C.-P. Chang, Y. Ding, N.-C. Lau, R.H. Johnson, B. Wang and T. Yasunari (eds.) The Global Monsoon System: Research and Forecast, 2nd Edition, World Scientific Series on Asia-Pacific Weather and Climate - Vol. 5, World Scientific Publication Company, 557-568.
- Yukimoto, S., H. Yoshimura, M. Hosaka, T. Sakami, H. Tsujino, M. Hirabara, T.Y. Tanaka, M. Deushi, A. Obata, H. Nakano, Y. Adachi, E. Shindo, S. Yabu, T. Ose and A. Kitoh, 2011: Meteorological Research Institute-Earth System Model v1 (MRI-ESM1) - Model Description -. Technical Report of MRI, No. 64, 83 pp.
- Murakami, H., B. Wang and A. Kitoh, 2011: Future changes in the western North Pacific typhoons: Projection with a 20-km-mesh global atmospheric model. J. Climate, 24, 1154-1169.
- Kitoh, A., S. Kusunoki and T. Nakaegawa, 2011: Climate change projections over South America in the late 21st century with the 20 and 60 km mesh Meteorological Researcg Institute atmospheric general circulation model (MRI-AGCM). J. Geophys. Res., 116, D06105, doi:10.1029/2010JD014920.
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2011: チベット高原と東アジアの気候. 日本列島 奇跡の大自然, NHK出版, 24-27.
- Kitoh, A., S. Kusunoki, Y. Sato, N. Ferdousi, M. Rahman, E.E.S. Makmur, A.L.S. Solis, W. Chaowiwat and T.D. Trong, 2011: Climate Change Projections in Some Asian Countries. In: Climate Change Adaptation and International Development, (R. Fujikura and M. Kawanishi), Earthscan, London, 19-62.
- Kitoh, A., T. Motoi and O. Arakawa, 2010: Climate modelling study on mountain uplift and Asian monsoon evolution. In: Monsoon Evolution and Tectonics - Climate Linkage in Asia. [Clift, P.D., R. Tada and H. Zheng (eds.)], Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 342, 293-301
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2010: 地球温暖化と異常気象. 地球環境学事典, 弘文堂, 34-35.
- 江守正多・甲斐沼美紀子・鬼頭昭雄・高橋潔・野尻幸宏・原沢英夫・笹野泰弘, 2010: 座談会:IPCC疑惑をめぐって. 地球環境研究センターニュース, 2010年7月号, 14-18.
- Jin, F., A. Kitoh and P. Alpert, 2010: Water cycle changes over the Mediterranean: a comparison study of a super-high-resolution global model with CMIP3. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 368, 1-13
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2010: 気候予測がもたらすもの. Civil Engineering Consultant, 248, 20-23.
- Xue, Y., F. De Sales, W.K.-M. Lau, A. Boone, J. Feng, P. Dirmeyer, Z. Guo, K.-M. Kim, A. Kitoh, V. Kumar, I. Poccard-Leclercq, N. Mahowald, W. Moufouma-Okia, P. Pegion, D.P. Rowell, J. Schemm, S.D. Schubert, A. Sealy, W.M. Thiaw, A. Vintzileos, S.F. Williams and M.-L.C. Wu, 2010: Intercomparison and analyses of the climatology of the West African Monsoon in the West African Monsoon Modeling and Evaluation project (WAMME) first model intercomparison experiment. Clim. Dyn., 35, 3-27.
- Kamiguchi, K., O. Arakawa, A. Kitoh, A. Yatagai, A. Hamada and N. Yasutomi, 2010: Development of APHRO_JP, the first Japanese high-resolution daily precipitation product for more than 100 years. Hydrological Research Letters, 4, 60-64.
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2010: 極端気象現象の変化予測. 月刊海洋, Vol.42, No.5, 264-270.
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- 鬼頭昭雄, 2010: 古気候モデリング相互比較実験による完新世中期と最終氷期最盛期のシミュレーション. 月刊海洋, Vol.42, No.3, 163-167.
- Kitoh, A., T. Ose, K. Kurihara, S. Kusunoki, M. Sugi and KAKUSHIN Team-3 Modeling Group, 2009: Projection of changes in future weather extremes using super-high-resolution global and regional atmospheric models in the KAKUSHIN Program: Results of preliminary experiments. Hydrological Research Letters, 3, 49-53.
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2009: 地球システムモデルによる気候研究?温暖化研究と古気候研究の接点?. 日本地球惑星科学連合ニュースレター, Vol.5, No.4, 1-3.
- Kitoh, A. and T. Mukano, 2009: Changes in daily and monthly surface air temperature variability by multi-model global warming experiments. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 87, 513-524.
- Liu, P., Y. Kajikawa, B. Wang, A. Kitoh, T. Yasunari, T. Li, H. Annamalai, X. Fu, K. Kikuchi, R. Mizuta, K. Rajendran, D.E. Waliser and D. Kim, 2009: Tropical intraseasonal variability in the MRI-20km60L AGCM. J. Climate, 22, 2006-2022.
- 谷田貝亜紀代・鬼頭昭雄・安成哲平, 2009: 高解像度の日降水量グリッドデータで温暖化予測に貢献. 地球研ニュース, 19, 8-10.
- Kitoh, A. and M. Hosaka, 2009: Projection of River Flow Changes Caused by Climate Change. In: Study on Asian River Basin. (K. Sunada, Ed.), Japan Science and Technology Agency, V-1 - V-29.
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2009: 気候変動シナリオの実際と将来予測. 水循環 貯留と浸透, 71, 6-12.
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2009: 地球温暖化と異常気象. 理大科学フォーラム, 2009.2(296), 27-31.
- Zhao, Z., A. Kitoh and D.-K. Lee, 2008: Warming in East Asia as a consequence of increasing greenhouse gases. In: Changes in the Human-Monsoon System of East Asia in the Context of Global Change. (C. Fu, J.R. Freney and J.W.B. Stewart, Eds.), World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 105-114.
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- Rajendran, K. and A. Kitoh, 2008: Indian summer monsoon in future climate projection by a super high-resolution global model. Current Science, 95, 1560-1569.
- Wohlfahrt, J., S.P. Harrison, P. Braconnot, C.D. Hewitt, A. Kitoh, U. Mikolajewicz, B.L. Otto-Bliesner and S.L. Weber, 2008: Evaluation of coupled ocean-atmosphere simulations of the mid-Holocene using palaeovegetation data from the northern hemisphere extratropics. Clim. Dyn., 31, 871-890.
- Kim, K-Y., A. Kitoh and K.-J. Ha, 2008: The SST-forced predictability of the sub-seasonal mode over East Asia with an atmospheric general circulation model. Int. J. Climatol., 28, 1599-1606.
- Kanada, S., M. Nakano, S. Hayashi, T. Kato, M. Nakamura, K. Kurihara and A. Kitoh, 2008: Reproducibility of maximum daily precipitation amount over Japan by a high-resolution non-hydrostatic model. SOLA, 4, 105-108.
- Kitoh, A., A. Yatagai and P. Alpert, 2008: Reply to comment by Ben-Zvi and Givati on 'First super-high-resolution model projection that the ancient "Fertile Crescent" will disappear in this century'. Hydrological Research Letters, 2, 46.
- Kitoh, A. and S. Kusunoki, 2008: East Asian summer monsoon simulation by a 20-km mesh AGCM. Clim. Dyn., 31, 389-401.
- Yun, K.-S., S.-H. Shin, K.-J. Ha, A. Kitoh and S. Kusunoki, 2008: East Asian precipitation change in the global warming climate simulated by a 20-km mesh AGCM. Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 44, 233-247.
- Bates, B.C., Z.W. Kundzewicz, S. Wu and J.P. Palutikof (Eds.), 2008: Climate Change and Water. Technical Paper of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC Secretariat, Geneva, 210 pp.
- Rajendran, K., A. Kitoh, R. Mizuta, S. Sajani and T. Nakazawa, 2008: High-resolution simulation of mean convection and its intraseasonal variability over the tropics in the MRI/JMA 20-km mesh AGCM. J. Climate, 21, 3722-3739.
- 鬼頭昭雄・保坂征宏・上口賢治・野原大輔, 2008: 気候変動が及ぼす流量変化の予測. In: アジアの流域水問題. 砂田憲吾編著. 199-225. 技報堂出版.
- Kitoh, A., 2008: Climate change. In: Asia-Pacific Coasts and Their Management: States of Environment. [Mimura, N. (ed.)], Springer, The Netherlands, 18-25.
- 虫明功臣・福岡捷二・鬼頭昭雄・門松武, 2008: 気候変動と今後の対策. 河川, 64(1), 12-25.
- Kitoh, A., A. Yatagai and P. Alpert, 2008: First super-high-resolution model projection that the ancient "Fertile Crescent" will disappear in this century. Hydrological Research Letters, 2, 1-4.
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2007: 地球温暖化 ?気候変動の行方?観測とシミュレーションの最新知見から見えてくるもの?. 資源環境対策, 43(15), 29-33.
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2007: 地球シミュレータによる100年後の日本の気候. エネルギーいんふぉめいしょん, 31(8), 2-19.
- Meehl, G.A., T.F. Stocker, W.D. Collins, P. Friedlingstein, A.T. Gaye, J.M. Gregory, A. Kitoh, R. Knutti, J.M. Murphy, A. Noda, S.C.B. Raper, I.G. Watterson, A.J. Weaver and Z.-C. Zhao, 2007: Global Climate Projections. In: Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Solomon S., D. Qin, M. Manning, Z. Chen, M. Marquis, K.B. Averyt, M. Tignor and H.L. Miller (eds.)], Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, 747-845.
- 鬼頭昭雄, 2007: 温暖化で暖かくなると豊作になる?. 環境会議, 28, 64-69.
- Takayabu, I., H. Kato, K. Nishizawa, Y.N. Takayabu, Y. Sato, H. Sasaki K. Kurihara and A. Kitoh, 2007: Future projections in precipitation over Asia simulated by two RCMs nested into MRI-CGCM2.2. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 85, 511-519.
- Kitoh, A., 2007: Variability of Indian monsoon-ENSO relationship in a 1000-year MRI-CGCM2.2 simulation. Natural Hazards, 42, 261-272.
- Sajani, S., T. Nakazawa, A. Kitoh and K. Rajendran, 2007: Ensemble simulation of Indian summer monsoon rainfall by an atmospheric general circulation model. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 85, 213-231.
- Braconnot, P., B. Otto-Bliesner, S. Harrison, S. Joussaume, J.-Y. Peterchmitt, A. Abe-Ouchi, M. Crucifix, E. Driesschaert, Th. Fichefet, C.D. Hewitt, M. Kageyama, A. Kitoh, M.-F. Loutre, O. Marti, U. Merkel, G. Ramstein, P. Valdes, S.L. Weber, Y. Yu and Y. Zhao, 2007: Results of PMIP2 coupled simulations of the Mid-Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum - Part 2: feedbacks with emphasis on the location of the ITCZ and mid- and high latitudes heat budget. Clim. Past, 3, 279-296.
- Braconnot, P., B. Otto-Bliesner, S. Harrison, S. Joussaume, J.-Y. Peterchmitt, A. Abe-Ouchi, M. Crucifix, E. Driesschaert, Th. Fichefet, C.D. Hewitt, M. Kageyama, A. Kitoh, A. Laine, M.-F. Loutre, O. Marti, U. Merkel, G. Ramstein, P. Valdes, S.L. Weber, Y. Yu and Y. Zhao, 2007: Results of PMIP2 coupled simulations of the Mid-Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum - Part 1: experiments and large-scale features. Clim. Past, 3, 261-277.
- 安成哲三・阿部学・鬼頭昭雄, 2007: チベット高原の上昇は新第三紀以降のアジア・太平洋域の気候変化とアジアモンスーンの成立にどのような影響を与えたか??大気海洋結合大循環モデル(MRI-CGCM)による数値実験結果からー. 天気, 54, 421-425.
- Kitoh, A., T. Motoi and S. Murakami, 2007: El Nino/Southern Oscillation simulation at 6,000 yrs B.P. with the MRI-CGCM2.3: Effect of flux adjustment. J. Climate, 20, 2484-2499.
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N.Renno, 1996: Intraseasonal oscillations in 15 atmospheric general circulation models:
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W.Stern, 1995: Cloud-radiative effects on implied oceanic energy transports as simulated
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Before 1989
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- Tokioka, T., A. Kitoh and A. Katayama, 1986: Atmospheric response to the sea surface
temperature anomalies in the mature phase of El Nino: Numerical experiment under the
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