What's New

NEWS 2024/8
Sentan 3 member Tomohito Yamada's research paper has been accepted.
Dengri, A., and T. Yamada, 2024: Detection and drivers of bimodal distribution of boreal summer surface soil moisture, Hydrological Research Letters, accepted.

NEWS 2024/7/10
Senate 3 member Naga Oshima's research paper has been published.
Kalisoras, A., Georgoulias, A. K., Akritidis, D., Allen, R. J., Naik, V., Kuo, C., Szopa, S., Nabat, P., Olivié, D., van Noije, T., Le Sager, P., Neubauer, D., Oshima, N., Mulcahy, J., Horowitz, L. W., and Zanis, P.,, 2024: Decomposing the effective radiative forcing of anthropogenic aerosols based on CMIP6 Earth system models, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 7837–7872.

NEWS 2024/7/8
The stakeholder session at the 9th International Conference of the Global Energy and Water Cycle Project, will be held as a forum for exchanging opinions with users of climate change datasets organized by 4 Area Themes of the Advanced Research Program on Climate Change Prediction.
Session title: Water cycle changes over Asia: from attribution to adaptation how to communicate advanced information on climate and hazard projections to the general public
Date: Monday, July 8, 2024, 13:15-15:15
Place: Clover Room, 2F, Keio Plaza Hotel Sapporo
Method: On-site
Organizer: Four Area Themes of the Advanced Research Program on Climate Change Prediction, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

NEWS 2024/6/30
Sentan 3 member's Shiori Sugimoto's, Rui Ito's, and Chieko Suzuki's research paper has been published.
Sugimoto, S., S. A. Adachi, R. Ito, and C. Suzuki, 2024: Future Changes in Synoptic-Scale Conditions Causing Widespread Heavy Precipitation Events over Japan, SOLA, 20, 198-206.

NEWS 2024/5/31
Sentan 3 member's Haruka Nishikawa's, Hiroyuki Tsujino's, Shiro Nishikawa's, Hideyuki Nakano's, and Yoichi Ishikawa's research paper has been published.
Nishikawa, H., Tsujino, H., Nishikawa, S., Nakayama, S., Nakano, H., Sugiyama, T., Ishikawa, Y., 2024: Long-term comparison between the Japanese sardine (Sardinops melanostictus) stock level and simulated zooplankton density around the Kuroshio region, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 741, 271-287.

NEWS 2024/4/12
Sentan 3 member, Hiroaki Kawase's research paper has been published.
Ohba, M., and H. Kawase, 2024: Assessment of long-term historical trends in winter precipitation in Japan using large-ensemble climate simulations: Changes in the impact of southern coastal cyclones. Climate Dynamics.

NEWS 2024/4/1
  Sentan 3 members, Seiji Yukimoto's, Naga Oshima's, Hideaki Kawai's, and Makoto Deushi's research paper has been published.
Yukimoto, S., N. Oshima, H. Kawai, M. Deushi, and T. Aizawa, 2024: Factors Contributing to Historical and Future Trends in Arctic Precipitation. Geophysical Research Letters, 51.

NEWS 2024/3/8
  Sentan 3 member Tomohito Yamada's research paper has been published.
Miyamoto, M., and T. J. Yamada, 2024: Regional characteristics of contribution of atmospheric fronts to heavy rainfall in boreal summer over Japan, Northwestern Pacific. Hydrological Research Letters, 18, 28-34.

NEWS 2024/3/7
 Sentan 3 members, Hirokazu Endo's and Toshiyuki Nakaegawa's research paper has been published.
Ose, T., H. Endo and T. Nakaegawa, 2024: Emergence of future sea-level pressure patterns in recent summertime East Asia, Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 102.

NEWS 2024/3/5
  Sentan 3 members, Akihiko Murata's and Shin Fukui's research paper has been published.
Isaev, E., A. Murata, S. Fukui, and R. C. Sidle, 2024: "High-resolution dynamic downscaling of historical and future climate projections over Central Asia," "Central Asian Journal of Water Research, 10, 91-114.

NEWS 2024/3/1
 Sentan 3 member, Yuhei Takaya's and Takahiro Toyoda's research paper has been published.
Takaya, Y., K. K. Komatsu, N. G. Ganeshi, T. Tokyoda, and H. Hasumi, 2024: A sub-monthly timescale causality between snow cover and surface air temperature in the Northern Hemisphere inferred by Liang–Kleeman information flow analysis. Climate Dynamics, 62, 2735–2753.

NEWS 2024/2/6
 Sentan 3 member, Toshiyuki Nakaegawa's research paper has been published.
Miura, Y., and T. Nakaegawa, 2024: Long-Term Experimental Evaluation of a High-Resolution Atmospheric General Circulation Model From a Hydrological Perspective, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 129, e2023JD038786.

NEWS 2024/2/1
  Sentan 3 member, Tomohito Yamada's research paper has been published.
Ohya, Y., and T. J. Yamada, 2024: Meteorological characteristics of line-shaped rainbands in northern Japan and its surrounding seas under climate change. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 26, 397–407.

NEWS 2024/1/31
  Sentan 3 members, Yuma Kawakami's, Hideyuki Nakano's, Shogo Urakawa's, Takahiro Toyoda's, Kei Sakamoto's, Shiro Nishikawa's, Toru Sugiyama's, and Yoichi Ishikawa's research paper has been published.
Kawakami, Y., H. Nakano, L. S. Urakawa, T. Toyoda, K. Sakamoto, S. Nishikawa, T. Sugiyama, M. Kurogi, Y. Ishikawa, K. Sato, and G. Yamanaka, 2024 : Future changes in marine heatwaves based on high-resolution ensemble projections for the northwestern Pacific Ocean. Journal of Oceanography.

NEWS 2024/1/24
  Sentan 3 members, Makoto Deushi's and Naga Oshima's research paper has been published.
Flood, V. A., K. Strong, C. H. Whaley, K. A. Walker, T. Blumenstock, J. W. Hannigan, J. Mellqvist, J. Notholt, M. Palm, A. N. Röhling, S. Arnold, S. Beagley, R.-Y. Chien, J.Christensen, M. Deushi, S. Dobricic, X. Dong, J. S. Fu, M. Gauss, W. Gong, J. Langner, K. S. Law, L. Marelle, T. Onishi, N. Oshima, D. A. Plummer, L. Pozzoli, J.-C. Raut, M. A. Thomas, S. Tsyro, and S. Turnock, 2024 Evaluating modelled tropospheric columns of CH4, CO, and O3 in the Arctic using ground-based Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 24, 1079-1118.

NEWS 2024/1/17
 Sentan 3 members, Toshiyuki Nakaegawa's and Ryo Mizuta's research paper has been published.
Kusunoki, S., T. Nakaegawa, and R. Mizuta, 2024: Evaluation of precipitation simulated by the atmospheric global model MRI-AGCM3.2. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 102.

NEWS 2024/1/4
 The research paper by Sentan3 members Hiyroyuki Tsujino, Hideyuki Nakano, Shogo Urakawa, Takahiro Toyoda, Shiro Nishikawam, Haruka Nishikawa, Toru Sugiyama, and Yoichi Ishikawa, has been published.
Tsujino, H., H. Nakano, K. Sakamoto, L.S. Urakawa, K. Toyama, N. Kosugi, Y. Kitamura, M. Ishii, S. Nishikawa, H. Nishikawa, T. Sugiyama, and Y. Ishikawa, 2024: Impact of Increased Horizontal Resolution of an Ocean Model on Carbon Circulation in the North Pacific Ocean. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 16.

NEWS 2023/12/15
 Sentan 3 members, Toshiyuki Nakaegawa's and Ryo Mizuta's research paper has been published.
Nakaegawa, T., and R.Mizuta, 2023: Future projections of extreme precipitation in Tropical America and Panama under global warming based on 150-year continuous simulations using 20-km and 60-km atmospheric general circulation models, International Journal of Climatology, 1–16.

NEWS 2023/12/1
 Sentan 3 members, Naga Oshima's research paper has been published.
Adachi,K., Y. Tobo, N. Oshima, A. Yoshida, S. Ohata, R. Krejc, A. Massling, H. Skov, and M. Koike, 2023: Composition and mixing state of individual aerosol particles from northeast Greenland and Svalbard in the Arctic during spring 2018., Atmospheric Environment, 314, 120083.

NEWS 2023/12/1
Press release by Sentan 3 members, Rui Ito, Yukiko Imada, and Hiroaki Kawase.
Regional evaluation of contribution of the global warming to surface temperature in the record-high temperature of 2022.

NEWS 2023/12/1
  3 members, Masaru Inatsu's research paper has been published.
Shinohara, M., and M. Inatsu, 2023: Stochastic precipitation model using large ensemble data. Journal of Disaster Research, 18, 868–876.

NEWS 2023/11/29
 Sentan 3 members, Masaru Inatsu's research paper has been published.
Tanji, S., M. Inatsu, and Y. Harada, 2023: Comparison of the LBM snowdrift model output with observation results. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 10, 67.

NEWS 2023/11/28
 Sentan 3 members, Masaru Inatsu's research paper has been published.
Kawazoe, S., M. Fujita, S. Sugimoto, Y. Okada, S. Watanabe, and M. Inatsu, 2023: Evaluation of tornadic environments and their trends and projected changes in Japan. Nature Atmosphere and Ocean Physics, 6, 199.

NEWS 2023/11/3
 Sentan 3 members, Tomohito Yamada's research paper has been published.
Kitano, Y., M. Ohba, N. Soda, Y. Hattori, T. Hoshino, and T. J. Yamada, 2023: Assessment of extreme local topographic winds and their future changes from a massive high-resolution ensemble climate dataset Hydrological Research Letters, 17, 69-76.

NEWS 2023/11/1
  Sentan 3 members, Rui Ito's, Yukiko Imada's, and Hiroaki Kawase's research paper has been published.
Ito, R., Y. Imada, H. Kawase, 2023: Characteristics of Attribution Risk on the Record-High-Temperature Event of 2022 Rainy Season in Japan. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., E2121-E2126.

NEWS 2023/10/3
  Sentan 3 member, Tomonori Sato's research paper has been published.
Zhou, X., T. Sato and S. Li, 2023: Interannual variation of the Warm Arctic–Cold Eurasia pattern modulated by Ural blocking and the North Atlantic Oscillation under changing sea ice conditions, Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 40.

NEWS 2023/9/29
  Sentan 3 members, Rui Ito's, Yukiko Imada's and Hiroaki Kawase's research paper has been published.
Ito, R., Y. Iamada, and H. Kawase, 2023:Regional characteristics of attribution risk on the record-high temperature event of 2022 rainy season in Japan.Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 104, E2121-E2126,

NEWS 2023/9/22
 Sentan 3 member, Tomonori Sato's research paper has been published.
Li, S., T. Sato, T. Nakamura, and W. Guo, 2023: East Asian summer rainfall stimulated by subseasonal Indian monsoonal heating, Nature Communications, 14, 5932.

NEWS 2023/9
 Sentan 3 member, Huhei Takaya's research paper has been published.
Takaya et al., 2023: Recent advances in seasonal and multi-annual tropical cyclone forecasting, Tropical Cyclone Research and Review, 12, 182-199.

NEWS 2022/9/19
 Press release by Sentan 3 members, Yukiko Iamada, Hiroaki Kawase, and Izuru Takayabu.
We are conducting research on the impact of global warming on the heavy rainfall and the record breaking high temperature in the 2022 summer.

NEWS 2023/9/19
 Sentan 3 members, Hiroaki Kawase's, Mosaya Nosaka's, Hiroki Okachi's, Rui Ito's, Shiori Sugimoto's, Chie Suzuki's, Shin Fukui's, Yoichi Ishikawa's, Toshiyuki Nakaegawa's, Akihiko Murata's, Tomohito Yamada's, and Izuru Takayabu's research paper has been published.
Kawase, H., M. Nosaka, S. I. Watanabe, K. Yamamoto, T. Shimura, H. Okachi, T. Hoshino, R. Ito, S. Sugimoto, C. Suzuki, Y. Naka, Y.-H. Wu, S. Fukui, Y. Ishikawa, E. Nakakita, N. Mori, T. Takemi, T. Nakaegawa, A. Murata, T. J. Yamada, and I. Takayabu,, 2023: Identifying robust changes of extreme precipitation in Japan from large ensemble 5-km-grid regional experiments for 4K warming scenario, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 128, e2023JD038513.

NEWS 2022/9/19
 Press release by Sentan 3 members, Hiroaki Kawase, Shunichi Watanabe, Yoichi Ishikawa, and Tomohito Yamada.
Extreme precipitation, including linear precipitation bands, is expected to increase, under more warming enroroment.

NEWS 2023/9/18
 Sentan 3 member, Toshiyuki Nakaegawa's and Ryo Mizuta's research paper has been published.
Nakaegawa, T., and R. Mizuta,2023: Future projections of extreme precipitation in Tropical America and Panama under global warming based on 150-year continuous simulations using 20-km and 60-km atmospheric general circulation models.International Journal of Climatology, 1–16,

NEWS 2023/9/12
 Sentan 3 members, Rui Ito has received the most sophisticated paper award from Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources.
Title ; Seasonal characteristics of future climate change over Japan and the associated atmospheric circulation anomalies in global model experiments. Hydrological Research Letters 14(4), 130-135.

NEWS 2023/9/5
 Sentan 3 member, Takeshi Yamazaki has received the FY2023 achievement Award from the Japanese Society of Snow and Ice.
Title ; Achievements in snow ice land surface process modeling study in Japan and the management of the society.

NEWS 2023/8/1
 Sentan 3 members, Yuhei Takaya's and Takahiro Toyoda's research paper has been published.
Komatsu, K., Y. Takaya, T. Toyoda, and H. Hasumi, 2023: A Submonthly Scale Causal Relation between Snow Cover and Surface Air Temperature over the Autumnal Eurasian Continent, Journal of Climate, 36, 4863–4877.

NEWS 2023/8/
 Sentan 3 member, Makoto Deushi's and Naga Oshima's research paper has been published.
Law, K. S., J. Liengaard Hjorth, J. B. Pernov, C. H. Whaley, H. Skov, M. Collaud Coen, J. Langner, S. R. Arnold, D. Tarasick, J. Christensen, M. Deushi, P. Effertz, G. Faluvegi, M. Gauss, U. Im, N. Oshima, et al., 2023: Arctic Tropospheric Ozone Trends, Geophysical Research Letters, 50.

NEWS 2023/6/1
 Sentan 3 members, Hiroaki Kawase and Yukiko Imada have received Commendation by Director General of Meteorological Research Institute.
Title ; Contribution to the promotion of climate change monitoring through achievement of event attribution.

NEWS 2023/6/26
 Sentan 3 members, Rui Ito's, Chieko Suzuki's and Shiori Sugimoto's research paper has been published.
Ito, R., C. Suzuki, and S Sugimoto, 2023: Variability of Future Increases in Summertime Extreme High Temperatures on the Kanto Plain, Japan, SOLA, 19, 194-201.

NEWS 2023/6/16
 Sentan 3 member, Tomonori Sato's research paper has been published.
Tamura, K., and T. Sato, 2023: Localized Strong Warming and Humidification Over Winter Japan Tied to Sea Ice Retreat. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL103522.

NEWS 2023/5/24
 Sentan 3 member, Yuhei Takaya's research paper has been published.
Takaya, Y., K. K. Komatsu, H. Hino, and F. Vitart 2023: Information-based Probabilistic Verification Scores for Two-dimensional Ensemble Forecast Data: A Madden-Julian Oscillation Index Example. Monthly Weather Review.

NEWS 2023/5/9
 Sentan 3 member, Hiroaki Kawase's research paper has been published.
Nihei, Y., K. Oota, H. Kawase, T. Sayama, E. Nakakita, T. Ito, and J. Kashiwada, 2023: Assessment of climate change impacts on river flooding due to Typhoon Hagibis in 2019 using nonglobal warming experiments, Journal of Flood Risk Management, 16.

NEWS 2023/4/25
 Sentan 3 members, Takeshi Yamazaki's and Junshi Ito's research paper has been published.
Lagare, C., T. Yamazaki, and J. Ito 2023: Numerical simulation of a heavy rainfall event over Mindanao, Philippines, on 03 May 2017: mesoscale convective systems under weak large-scale forcing. Geoscience Letters, 10, 23.

NEWS 2023/4/14
 Sentan 3 member, Yukiko Imada has received the 5th Nishida Award for the Promotion of Earth and Planetary Sciences from Japan Geoscience Union.
Title ; Study on predictability of climate variability and advancing the event attribution research.

NEWS 2023/3/8
 Seantan 3 member, Toshiyuki Nakaegawa's research paper has been published.
Mesta, B., H. Sasaki, T. Nakaegawa, and E. Kentel, 2023: Changes in precipitation climatology for the Eastern Mediterranean using CORDEX RCMs, NHRCM and MRI-AGCM, Atmospheric Research, 272, 106140.

NEWS 2023/2/28
 Seantan 3 member, Toshiyuki Nakaegawa's research paper has been published.
Ishizaki, N.H., T. Nakaegawa, R. Pinzón and H. Sasaki, 2023: Factors contributing to morning rain in the upper Río Chagres Basin, Panamá. Frontier in Earth Science, 11:1105013.

NEWS 2023/2/21
 Sentan 3 member, Tomohito Yamada has received the ICFM9 Erich Plate Best Student Poster Award from the 9th International Conference on Flood Management.
Title ; Evaluating the Impact of Climate Change on the Return Period of Flood Peak Discharge over The Tokachi River Basin, Northern Japan by Using a Massive Ensemble Climate Dataset Tsuyoshi Hoshino, Keita Shimizu, Mark Hegnauer, Tomohito J. Yamada.

NEWS 2023/1/24
 Seantan 3 member, Hiroki Okachi's research paper has been published.
Okachi, H., and T. Yamada,2023: Estimation of sea surface wave splash particle radius distribution under storm condition. Japanese Journal of JSCE-G,78(5), I_171-I_177,

NEWS 2023/1/12
 Sentan 3 member, Hiroaki Kawase's research paper has been published.
Kawase, H., S. Fukui, M. Nosaka, S. I. Watanabe, K. Otomo, A. Murata, K. Murazaki, and T. Nakaegawa, 2023: Historical regional climate changes in Japan in winter as assessed by a 5-km regional climate model with a land surface process. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 10, 7,

NEWS 2022/11/3
 Sentan 3 member, Shiori Sugimoto's research paper has been published.
Sugimoto, S., Y. Xue, T. Sato, and H. Takahashi, 2022: Influence of convective processes on Weather Research and Forecasting model precipitation biases over East Asia. Climate Dynamics,

NEWS 2022/9/29
 Sentan 3 member, Hideaki Kawai's research paper has been published.
Kawai, H., K. Yoshida, T. Koshiro and S. Yukimoto, 2022: Importance of Minor-Looking Treatments in Global Climate Models. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 14, e2022MS003128,

NEWS 2022/9/23
 Sentan 3 member, Hiroaki Kawase's research paper has been published.
Kawase, H., Y. Imada and S. Watanabe, 2022: Impacts of historical atmospheric and oceanic warming on heavy snowfall in December 2020 in Japan. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmosphere, 127, e2022JD036996,

NEWS 2022/9/13
 Sentan 3 member, Yusuke Ushijima's research paper has been published.
Ushijima, Y., H. Tsujino, K. Sakamoto, M. Ishii, T. Koshiro and N. Oshima, 2022: Effects of Anthropogenic Forcings on Multidecadal Variability of the Sea Level Around the Japanese Coast Simulated by MRI-ESM2.0 for CMIP6. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL099987,

NEWS 2022/9/12
 Sentan 3 member, Seiji Yukimoto's research paper has been published.
Yukimoto, S., N. Oshima, H. Kawai, M. Deushi and T. Aizawa, 2022: Role of Interhemispheric Heat Transport and Global Atmospheric Cooling in Multidecadal Trends of Northern Hemisphere Precipitation. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL100335,

NEWS 2022/9/6
 Press release by Sentan 3 members, Yukiko Imada, Izuru Takayabu, and Hiroaki Kawase.
We are conducting research on the effects of global warming on the record breaking high temperature from late June to early July 2022.

NEWS 2022/8/15
 Press release by Sentan 3 member, Tsuyoshi Koshiro
We showed that the amplification of global warming by low clouds can be explained using physical indices.

NEWS 2022/7/26
 Sentan 3 member, Rui Ito's research paper has been published.
Ito, R., H. Kawase and Y. Imada, 2022: Regional differences in summertime extremely high temperature in Japan due to global warming. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 61, 1573–1587,

お知らせ 2022/7/14
 Sentan 3 member, Masashi Niwano's research paper has been published.
Niwano, M., M. Suya, K. Nagaya, S. Yamaguchi, S. Matoba, I. Harada and N. Ohkawara, 2022: Estimation of seasonal snow mass balance all over Japan using a high-resolution atmosphere-snow model chain. SOLA, 18, 193-198,

NEWS 2022/7/10
 Sentan 3 member, Toshiyuki Nakaegawa's research paper has been published.
Nakaegawa, T., 2022: High-Performance Computing in Meteorology under a Context of an Era of Graphical Processing Units. Computers, 11(7), 114,

NEWS 2022/7/1
 Sentan 3 member, Naga Oshima's research paper has been published.
Oshima, N., 2022: Benefits and Disbenefits Caused by Aerosols in the Climate System. Journal of Aerosol Research, 37, 189-200,

NEWS 2022/6/29
 Sentan 3 member, Toshiyuki Nakaegawa's research paper has been published.
Nakaegawa, T and K. Murazaki, 2022: Historical trends in climate indices relevant to surface air temperature and precipitation in Japan for recent 120 years. International Journal of Climatology, 42, 8950-8970,

NEWS 2022/5/23
 Sentan 3 member, Akihiko Murata's research paper has been published.
Murata, A., M. Nosaka, H. Sasaki and H. Kawase, 2022: Dynamic and thermodynamic factors involved in future changes in extreme summertime precipitation in Japan projected by convection-permitting regional climate model simulations. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 61, 1201-1217,

NEWS 2022/5/20
 Sentan 3 member, Tsuyoshi Koshiro's research paper has been published.
Koshiro, T., H. Kawai and A. T. Noda, 2022: Estimated cloud-top entrainment index explains positive low-cloud-cover feedback. PNAS, 119(29), e2200635119,

NEWS 2022/7/1
 Sentan 3 member, Naga Oshima's research paper has been published.
Oshima, N., 2022: Benefits and disbenefits caused by aerosols in the climate system. Journal of aerosol research, 37, 189-200,

NEWS 2022/6/1
 Sentan 3 members, Naga Oshima, Seiji Yukimoto, Makoto Deushi, Tsuyoshi Koshiro, Hideaki Kawai, and Kohei Yoshida have received the most cited paper awards from Japan Geophysical Union.
Oshima, N., S. Yukimoto, M. Deushi, T. Koshiro, H. Kawai, T. Y. Tanaka and K. Yoshida, Japan Geophysical Union PEPS Most Cited Paper Awards 2022, Title: Global and Arctic effective radiative forcing of anthropogenic gases and aerosols in MRI-ESM2.0 ., Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 7, 38.

NEWS 2022/4/8
 Sentan 3 member, Kazuhisa Tsuboki has received the Science and Technology Awards from Ministry of education, culture, sports, science, and technology.
Ministry of education, culture, sports, science, and technology. Science and Technology Awards. Title:Research for typhoon intensity by aircraft observation and numerical model.

What is MEXT-Program for the Advanced Studies of Climate Change Projection?

As a successor of "Integrated Research Program for Advancing Climate Models (TOUGOU)" carried out for 5 years (FY2017-2021), the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) has established an advanced program for 5 years (FY2022-2026), "MEXT-Program for the Advanced Studies of Climate Change Projection (SENTAN)" with 4 themes from 1 to 4:

Theme 1: Predictive understanding of Earth system changes based on physical evidence;
Theme 2: Biogeochemical modeling and climate simulations for carbon budget assessment;
Theme 3: Increasing the sophistication of climate change projections around Japan; and
Theme 4: Development of an integrated hazard projection model.

This program aims to further develop climate models and to reflect the knowledge gained through them in the adaptation plans of actual regions to the questions that society needs answers for in this process. We will try to open the door to a new type of science.

Using the world-class supercomputers, such as Earth Simulator, we are pursuing research and development in which all themes are organically linked. Our research and development includes prediction and diagnosis of imminent global climate change expected to occur within a few years or decades, research on greenhouse gas emission scenarios and associated long-term climate change projections, development of probabilistic climate change projection techniques, and development of technology for precise impact assessment, etc.

About Increasing sophistication of climate change projections around Japan (Area Theme 3)

The aim of this research theme is to describe "possible future scenarios" which include probability information on climate change and weather phenomena in areas surrounding Japan by developing methods for statistical analysis and assessment. There are two types of basic information to be used for considering risks associated with global warming: one is probability information for the likely scenarios, while the other is scenarios of the strongest possible class of weather phenomena. The former is necessary for disaster prevention, the latter for disaster mitigation.

About Japan Meteorological Business Support Center (JMBSC)

The Japan Meteorological Business Support Center (JMBSC) is a general incorporated foundation inaugurated in 1994, in accordance with the Meteorological Service Act of Japan, under the supervision of the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), National Meteorological Service of Japan.

JMBSC has established “Research Promotion Department”, to enhance functions in implementation and supports for global environment and climate research. The Office is headed by Dr. Izuru Takayabu, and researches and associated services are promoted under the close cooperation with MRI, Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) and other research communities.

JMBSC has a responsibility to implement “Theme 3: Increasing the sophistication of climate change projections around Japan” to tackle scientific understanding and projections of climate change, in cooperation with a research group of MRI, Hokkaido University, Tohoku University, JAMSTEC, Nagoya University and overseas researchers and institutes.
