About Our Research

The World Climate Research Program (WCRP) strongly advocates actionable climate science, which connects research results with society. In Japan, the national Climate Change Projection Dataset forms the basis for climate change measures; updates will be made on a relatively regular basis starting 2022 and there are demands for different types of data (see figure). In Research Area 3, we aim to create regional climate projections with increased accuracy and diversity and reduced uncertainty to support local government decision-making. Data application will be expanded to include the fields of hydrology and water resources, and our results can be used for the management of water use, fisheries, aquaculture, and flood control. We will develop a model system that includes sophisticated regional climate models, global models with ocean effects, and enhanced ocean information around Japan. In addition, we will focus on regional climate, extreme events, and data application across different domains of the society through the following activities.

(1) To stimulate the application of research results across the society, we will produce information that meets users’ needs by increasing model sophistication, generating marine data, and improving reproducibility in the modeling of extreme phenomena and our understanding of climate mechanisms.

(2) To further facilitate the use of research results, we will engage in two-way communication with users and establish a user-friendly information provision system in cooperation with various domestic organizations, including DIAS, which is responsible for the system.

(3) To contribute to the development and implementation of climate change adaptation measures in vulnerable regions overseas that are similar to Japan and are facing increasing risks of heavy rains, floods, and storm surges, we will create highly accurate climate forecast datasets for these regions in collaboration with researchers in the regions.

Sophistication of climate change projection around Japan
The components of Research Area 3 are enclosed in the red box. Green drops indicate the various sectors that are users of the national scenario.

Project Structure

(i)  Development of projection system and analysis of mechanism for climate change around Japan

  1. Development of projection system for high-resolution global climate change

  2. Development of projection system for regional climate and land surface in Japan

  3. Development of projection system for ocean change around Japan

  4. Analysis of mechanism for climate change around Japan

(ii)  Creating climate change projection information and elucidating extreme event mechanisms for promoting regional and basin scale adaptation measures

  1. Developing high-resolution data sets and prediction method using dynamical and statistical methods

  2. Analysis of climate and weather factors causing recent extreme weather events

  3. Elucidating the mechanism of extreme events considering the risk increase and maximum magnitude at the regional and basin scale

(iii)  Creation of high-accuracy climate projection datasets for vulnerable regions in the world

(iv)  Promotion of projection products use and user communication
